Taxpayers Roll Out Campaign Against Sales Tax Increase
October 31, 2007 | Filed under: Campaign Ads
Take a look at the nice flyer being circulated by Taxpayers for Good Government against the proposed Sales Tax Increase.
As Supervisor for District 1, Phil Wolfe has led the charge against the sales tax increase. He voted against it whenever it came before the Board. He has spoken out against it during the campaign.
Now, Taxpayers for Good Government is commencing a publicity blitz to ensure that it goes down in defeat. The Supervisors don’t need one cent more of our money to waste, and Phil Wolfe and many other concerned citizens are going to make sure they don’t get any!

Thank You, District One!
August 25, 2007 | Filed under: Campaign Ads
The Wolfe Campaign published an advertisement in the Sunday (August 26, 2007) issue of the Greenwood Commonwealth, thanking the voters of District One for their vote of confidence in the August 7th Primary.
Phil Wolfe Wins!
August 7, 2007 | Filed under: Campaign News
Phil Wolfe was victorious in Tuesday’s Republican Primary, according to final numbers compiled by the Republican Executive Committee Wednesday afternoon:
(All votes counted)
Phil Wolfe: 1183
Floyd Melton: 966
Because there is no independent or Democrat challenger, Phil Wolfe is effectively re-elected to a fifth term as District One Supervisor.
Wolfe Campaign Reminder: Go Vote!
August 6, 2007 | Filed under: Campaign Ads
On Sunday and Monday (August 5 and 6), the Wolfe Campaign published an advertisement in the Greenwood Commonwealth reminding his supporters to vote in Tuesday’s Republican Primary.
“Big Bad Wolfe” Ad Published!
August 4, 2007 | Filed under: Campaign Ads
The Phil Wolfe campaign published an advertisement in Sunday’s August 5 Greenwood Commonwealth describing why some politicians are afraid of Phil Wolfe. Phil’s constituents know he is an effective representative of their interests at the courthouse.
Massive Post Card Mailing Completed!
August 4, 2007 | Filed under: Campaign News
Saturday, August 4, the Wolfe campaign delivered over 5200 post cards, one to each registered voter in District One, reminding them that Tuesday is the last chance they will have to vote for Phil Wolfe this election cycle.
The cards will not only serve as the needed reminder, but they are the beginning of Phil’s effort to create a massive “get …
Ad Displays Wolfe’s Economic Development Leadership
July 28, 2007 | Filed under: Campaign Ads
Sunday (July 29) the Wolfe Campaign ran an advertisement in the Greenwood Commonwealth describing a Supervisor’s proper role in encouraging economic development. Everyone involved in economic development must do his own job well, instead of trying to do someone else’s job for them.
Getting Along vs. “Going Along”
July 21, 2007 | Filed under: Campaign Ads
On Sunday and Monday (July 22, 23), the Wolfe campaign ran an ad in the Greenwood Commonwealth about the important difference between “getting along” and “going along.” Phil Wolfe gets along with everybody, but he won’t “go along” with bad proposals that aren’t in the best interests of District One.
Campaign Mail-out Hits District One
July 17, 2007 | Filed under: Campaign News
Over the weekend of July 15, a saturation mailing of campaign literature was sent to every voter’s house in District One.
The mailing, which invites the voters of District One to support Phil’s re-election as Supervisor on August 7, was prepared by volunteers who spent long hours stuffing, labeling, and sticking stamps on almost 3000 pieces of mail.
To view pictures of …
Sunday’s Newspaper Ad Touts Wolfe’s Experience
July 14, 2007 | Filed under: Campaign Ads
On Sunday, July 15 and Monday, July 16, the Wolfe Campaign ran an advertisement in the Greenwood Commonwealth describing how Phil Wolfe gets the job done for his constituents when disaster strikes. The ad features photographs of the ice storm, as well as the District One crew clearing a ditch to stop flooding in North Greenwood, and Phil and District …